Advanced Portfolio Management (Адвансед Портфолио Менеджмент)

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Телефон: +1 212-838-4700

Адрес: 1330 Avenue of the Americas – 36th Floor New York City, New York 10019 United States of America

О компании

Advanced Portfolio Management (APM) is an independent specialty asset manager that designs, constructs, and manages customized investment solutions for endowments, foundations, pension funds, insurance companies, banks, and other financial institutions in North America, Europe, and Asia.


APM currently manages capital across multiple portfolios comprising a broad and diverse set of active management strategies.

Every APM portfolio is individually and specifically designed, constructed, and managed to complement, enhance, hedge, or complete a benchmark asset allocation and/or existing investment portfolio. Portfolios are managed to achieve each client’s unique investment objectives and risk parameters.

Investment process

We believe that successful investing is as much art as it is science and therefore have combined group of professionals who have acquired more than a century of qualitative investment experience and judgment together with a state-of-the-art analytical and quantitative platform.

As such, our investment process begins with a detailed assessment of risk and return expectations, forecasts, and estimations developed by the APM investment committee. We have found that a discriminating appreciation of both cyclical and secular shifts in geographies, economies, and industries, as well as in the evolving structure of capital markets, are a prerequisite to establishing meaningful, useable expectations for any analytical or quantitative model.

These regularly revised expectations are then employed in a variety of analytical and quantitative models including: factor-based return and risk attribution analysis; portfolio construction within a robust forward-looking shortfall risk framework, and; highly disciplined dynamic risk management across a broad spectrum of risk metrics and analytics.

APM portfolios are utilized as active management overlays, portable alpha programs, completion funds, standalone thematic investment exposures (including portfolios in credit, commodities, and macro), and other single and multi manager investment solutions.

Regulatory registration and oversight

APM is a Registered Investment Advisor with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and approved to act as an Investment Manager by the Central Bank of Ireland.

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