Отзывы о Dafex (Дафекс) https://dafex.com

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Телефон: +61 3 86186848

Адрес: 4,5 Floors, Embankment Tower, Presnenskaya Nab 10, Block C Moscow 123112

О компании

DAFEX is a global professional financial technology service provider incorporated in the Ukraine. We see ourselves as one of the leaders of this revolution paving the future for digital wealth. Our research and development center is committed to bringing the top innovation of financial technology and bringing together the experts and the technical support in the industry to develop an advanced AI trading system.

DAFEX’s R&D department has devoted years of efforts in developing innovative technologies that integrate artificial intelligence and blockchain. Today, we have successfully developed the most complete Artificial Intelligence Trading system in the world – AIT.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to create the most advanced next generation AI trading system that takes trading to a new level of automation.

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