Отзывы о BITInvest (Бит Инвест) http://bit-invest.com

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Телефон: +44 20 7156 6217

Адрес: 33 Throgmorton Street, 6th Floor, London, EC2N 2BR, UK

О компании

The internet project BITInvest is managed and powered by the staff of the BIT Management LIMITED – the London based real company, registered under the United Kingdom jurisdiction. The BIT Management LIMITED is not very big, but fast growth investment company, founded in 2009. During this period turnover increase from GBP 250,000 in 2009 to GBP 4,500,000 in 2013 (growth more than in 18 times). In the first half of 2014 turnover on financial operations was near GBP 3,500,000. It was next approximately turnover structure:
50% – forex market;
20% – financial futures and options;
20% – marginal shares;
10% – other financial tools.

We are working with large and famous brokerage houses based in New-York, Chicago and London. Our professional and experience staff gets very good and stability result in money management activity. That is why we decide to open our service for small investors and begin providing this internet project. We have long term business plan and reserve for it purposes in our trading accounts funds in amount of GBP 100,000.

Joining with us you get opportunity to earn a lot of money in the international financial markets and take part of our incomes, and we receive the ability to increase our turnover and profits.

Our Mission is to service our customers by creating and delivering a quality service, which is unique, valuable and to help our clients attain financial success by providing real investment opportunities and support.

Strategic planning, economic forecasting, measurement of past and projected performance and asset valuations drive decisions related to asset disposal and acquisition, capital investment, operations and development. We provide investors with the best opportunities available in the financial markets and develop the projects in the most efficient way. We utilize the investors perspective to identify value creation opportunities and to evaluate the impact of acting on those opportunities.

We makes investment easy. You can get free tips and compare investment plans and features side-by-side. You can select the most suitable investment plan and follow it with us. We offer end-to-end support for these services right from application to disbursal of your invested money.

5 комментариев
  1. Reply
    Екатерина 28.09.2022 at 06:52

    Paбoтaла я c этими товарищами, ecли этo мoжнo нaзвaть paбoтoй. Kaк тoлькo я пepecтaла пoпoлнять cчeт меня тyт жe cлили. После того как проревела почти неделю,так как сумма была приличная, мне помогли найти способ вернуть свои деньги, пpoцecc cлoжный, нo вoзмoжный. Еcли нyжны пoдpoбнocти звоните 7 (499) 495-13-62 или пишите на почту financial-yurist@yandex.ru

  2. Reply
    Игорь 25.03.2022 at 06:51

    Мне не удается вывести деньги со счета! Поддержка просто не обращает внимание на обращения! Что делать??

  3. Reply
    Тимур 21.03.2022 at 06:49

    Лохотрон BITInvest – высокодоходный хайп, скам, прикрывающийся перекупленным возрастным доменом и ворованными юридическими реквизитами. Развод на деньги.

  4. Reply
    Игорь 18.03.2022 at 06:51

    Не рекомендую! Услуги оказываются через одно место

  5. Reply
    Слава 10.03.2022 at 06:51

    Мобильную аппликацию не советую — настройки слетают каждый раз, как телефон гаснет! Ужасно сделан интерфейс!

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