Отзывы о компании Monfex (Монфекс) https://www.monfex.com

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Телефон: +44 20 8077 3265

Адрес: support@monfex.com

О компании

If you trade online Monfex gives you access to the market with up to 100X leverage and the ability to go long and short on 200+ instruments. Our solution is simple, safe and cost effective.

It is online trading the way it should be!

The safety of your hard-earned money should be your top priority.

It is certainly ours!

Here is what we do to maximize the safety of your funds:

  • Your deposit will be held in cold storage with leading security measures.
  • Access your account reports and statements anytime.
  • You can withdraw anytime by filling out a simple online form.
  • Use Two Factor Authentication to maximize your accounts security.

We deliver such a great product by leveraging our relationships with key institutional online trading firms.

  • They provide us with great pricing and liquidity and we pass it on to you.
  • You get an institutional level product and they get the trade flow. It’s a win-win.
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