TheMerit Finance (Зе Мерит Финанс)

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Телефон: +44 0746 7419 109

Адрес: 2-6 boundary Row ,south bank, London SE1 8HP, United Kingdom

О компании

While delivering alpha remains a core objective, creating value goes beyond pure investment returns. Clients want a relationship that generates value for them, every step of the way. We believe in solving, not selling, and in adding value beyond pure economic gain. We invest for the long term, employing our innovative investment expertise and global resources. Our goal is to ensure a superior experience for our clients, wherever they are based, and whatever their investment needs.
That’s why we are on a journey to turn the asset management experience into a mutually beneficial relationship: with innovative pricing models, transparency, and customized products – we build new solutions on our clients’ terms.             


Clients need expertise and capabilities not only within, but across asset classes. We believe those capabilities should include choices with innovative pricing models. With the need to seek out additional sources of return becoming more pressing, active management skills are increasingly valuable today.

Marketing Strategies

  • Top Ranking Market Share

Responding to changing markets: active management skills are valuable to help identify firms with potential and avoid weaker businesses.

  • Complex investor aspirations

Understanding cyclical effects: active investment approaches can be particularly useful at inflection points in economic cycles.

  • Disruption and Rapidly shifting economies

Taking a long-term view: active strategies can take a longer-term view and align with the trends reshaping markets.

  • Muted returns

Navigating disruption: active strategies seek to identify companies that will ride the wave of disruption.

  • Operational, governance or reputation concerns

Looking for future winners: active managers have expanded strategies for identifying new asset classes and alternative sources of return. 

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