Water Asset Management (Ватер Ассет Менеджмент) http://waterinv.com/

Официальный сайт:

Телефон: P: 212-754-5132 F: 212-754-5101

Адрес: 509 Madison Avenue, Suite 804 New York, NY 10022

О компании

Water Asset Management (“WAM”), founded in 2005, invests exclusively in companies and assets that ensure water quality and supply.  WAM’s investment team comprises two distinct groups focused on global listed water public equities and water resources and regenerative farmland in the US South West respectively. WAM is one of the first water industry focused investors and is widely recognized as a water industry thought leader.

Our Mission

WAM is focused on growth and success as a leading investor in identifying the best companies and assets ensuring and delivering water quality  and supply globally. WAM has a team-oriented culture based on integrity, communication, transparency, and results. WAM places the interests of its investors above its own and the team is incentivized on the long-term returns of its investment funds.

Investment Opportunity

Water investing combines competitive investment returns and free enterprise, with serving the common good and delivering measurable positive impact. Water investing is responsible investing. Delivering clean water and treating wastewater is essential to sustaining life, and public health while restoring rivers, coastal environments, and marine ecosystems.

WAM’s core belief is that scarce clean water is the resource defining this century, much like plentiful oil defined the last. WAM’s investment process is focused on fundamental analysis based on deep, proprietary water industry expertise and access to a wide range of industry operators, regulators, and policy experts.  Our investment philosophy focuses first on return of capital, before return on capital, with a strong focus on risk management across all investment vehicles.

Climate change is intensifying drought, flood, and fire. These factors provide an unprecedented period of transformation and investment opportunity for the water industry. Water companies will continue to thrive and prosper, offering investors the ability to realize capital appreciation as well as sustainable long term dividend income, with relatively low levels of risk and volatility, while delivering positive impact.

2 комментария
  1. Reply
    Екатерина 12.10.2021 at 06:57

    Paбoтaла я c этими товарищами, ecли этo мoжнo нaзвaть paбoтoй. Kaк тoлькo я пepecтaла пoпoлнять cчeт меня тyт жe cлили. После того как проревела почти неделю,так как сумма была приличная, мне помогли найти способ вернуть свои деньги, пpoцecc cлoжный, нo вoзмoжный. Еcли нyжны пoдpoбнocти звоните 7 (499) 495-13-62

  2. Reply
    Вася 11.10.2021 at 09:09

    Хорошая фирма рекомендую!!

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